There is no wau to violence!

In connection with the action «16 Days Without Violence”, a training seminar which is called ”Girl is a sunshine of our life and nation”, was held for teenage girls in the secondary school No. 14 named after Khiuaz Dospanova and in the multidisciplinary college “Rauan”.
Under the guidance of assistant of the Department of General Medical Practice No. 1 A.A., students of group 505 B of the Faculty of General Medicine Umit Amanbayeva, Mahabbat Yerkebulanovna and healthy lifestyle specialists and psychologists of the city polyclinic №6, the following topics were discussed Prevention of early pregnancy. Protection of the health of teenagers under 18 years. Formation of correct hygiene standards for self-care among students. Fostering culture of sincere relationships between people of different sexes. Teenage girls received answers to their questions and expressed their gratitude.
No domestic violence! Every person is a citizen of Kazakhstan. Parents should not be cruel to a child by saying, “my own child, I know.” Because they are the closest sympathizers, protectors, guardians of the child.
It is our human duty to take part in proper upbringing in the family, to have a good relationship with society, to respect, to take responsibility for the life of ours and loved ones.