I gave a lecture on the Visiting Professor program

From 04.12.23 to 08.12.23 at the Department of “Public Health and Healthcare” within the framework of the “Visiting Professor” program, were held online lectures on the Webex platform by Professor of the Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznan MD, PhD Katarzyna Wieczorowska-Tobis (Poland).
Professor Katarzyna Wieczorowska-Tobis is a geriatric physician and head of the Center for Palliative Medicine at the Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań, scientific researcher with the H-index 25.
The Department of Public Health and Healthcare has been cooperating with the professor since 2018, since the strategic partnership between the Poznań University of Medical Sciences and Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan medical university. As part of the cooperation, there are common articles in the Scopus database that has been publishedas part of common scientific and technical projects.
Lectures by Professor Katarzyna Wieczorowska-Tobis were held under the general title “Contemporary challenges in gerontology and geriatric care” for a total of 60 hours / 2 credits:
04.12.23-Introduction to gerontology
05.12.23-Functional capacity – how to assess it in older adults and how to maintain it
06.12.23-Prevention in gerontology
07.12.23-Dementia as a challenge for the aging society
08.12.23-Falls – one of the most important geriatric syndromes.
Students of4th and 5th year of the educational program “Public Health”, master’s students, doctoral students of the educational programs “General Medicine”, “Public Health”, “Nursing”, as well as teachers of the department actively participated in the lectures of professor MD, PhD Katarzyna Wieczorowska-Tobis.
The professor is also a foreign scientific consultant to doctoral student K.N. Kimatova, and within the framework of the program she provided consultations on her publications and preparation for defending her doctoral dissertation.