Implementation of the Visiting-professor program at the Department of therapeutic and prosthetic dentistry

As part of the “Visiting-professor” program, from 4-8 a series of online lectures was held by professors of the Karol Marcinkowski Poznan University of Medical Sciences Elzbieta Paszynska DDS, PhD and Justina Otulakowska DDS, PhD (Poznan, Poland) for 4th and 5th year students of the “Dentistry” specialty.
Lectures were devoted to topical issues of both therapeutic and orthopedic dentistry on the topics: “Treatment planning in dental practice”, “Clinical application of remineralization agents”, “Minimal Invasive Dentistry MID”, “MID and dental materials for conservative treatment at a glance”, “Prosthetic restoration of the endodontically treated tooth”. Students noted the high informative value of the lectures and their practical significance.
The head of the Department of therapeutic and prosthetic dentistry, PhD Kurmanalina M.A. and the faculty of the department expressed their gratitude to the foreign professors and hope for further cooperation in the academic and scientific fields.