A worthy gift for Independence day

On the eve of Independence Day, a significant event took place in the Akkagaz Doszhanova conference hall with the participation of Akim of the region A.Shakharov, Chairman of the Board of Kazakhstan Khalkyn B.Zhamishev, Director of KazNIIOiR D.Kaidarova, rector of the Marat Ospanov ZKMU A.Kaliev, heads of medical organizations. The event is dedicated to the presentation of 2 mobile mobile complexes (PMCs) equipped with high-tech equipment manufactured in Japan to the Medical Center of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov”.
The PMCs were acquired by the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Public Foundation within the framework of the QH Densaulyk Zholy social project, equipped with a digital mammograph, an expert-class ultrasound system with a set of five sensors, a computed tomograph for all types of diagnostic tests. PMK has autonomous heating systems that can work on the go and stationary, equipped with e-drive sensors (a smart monitoring system for the condition of cars, temperature, humidity, driving quality, there is a GPS module Glonass, etc.).
Our region is one of three regions included in the charity project “QH Densaulyk Zholy”, for the supply of PMK and conducting cancer screening and preventive examinations of residents in remote settlements acquired by the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Foundation. In the region, the rural population is 253 thousand (28.0%), in remote villages there is low coverage of cancer screenings. And of the available mammographs, 57.1% have a service life of 8 years or more, which indicates the obsolescence of the equipment.
The most exciting moment was the presentation of symbolic keys to mobile medical complexes to the chief physician of the Marat Ospanov MC ZKMU” Smailov E. Chairman of the Board of JSC “Kazakhstan khalkyna” B.Zhamishev.
Summing up, the Chairman of the Board-Rector of the University A.Kaliev stressed: “The receipt of PMK by the University Medical Center is an important event for the medical community and the population of our region, especially for residents of remote rural settlements. Thanks to high-tech equipment, we will be able to overcome the shortage of primary diagnostics for the population in conditions of undeveloped communications in remote rural regions, thereby increasing coverage and early detection in patients of oncological diseases, diseases of the circulatory system, neurological pathology. And, of course, we express our sincere gratitude to the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Foundation for the purchase and supply of unique complexes, as well as to D.Kaidarova for her support and assistance.”
On the observation deck, those present were able to familiarize themselves with the equipment of the PMK.
We thank the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Foundation!