University Tour

At the end of the presentation ceremony of mobile mobile complexes, the Chairman of the Board-Rector of NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” invited Chairman of the Board of JSC “Kazakhstan Khalkyn” B.Zhamishev, Director of the KazNII of Oncology and Radiology, MD, Professor, academician D.Kaidarova, head of “Optimus Medica” V. Krasnopolsky to visit the main building of the university. The guests were able to explore the classrooms, the coworking center, and the testing center.
The head of the University museum, G.Seitzhanova, told the guests about the history of its creation and its purpose. The guests were impressed by the creation of an exposition in the Museum of the History of Medicine dedicated to the first and current Chairman of the Board of JSC National Center of Neurosurgery, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Hero of Labor – S.Akshulakov, our ex-graduate, known far beyond Kazakhstan.
We got acquainted with the honor book “Golden Names of the University” with the inscribed names of teachers, ex-graduates who have made a certain contribution to the field of medical education, science and public health.
In conclusion, words of gratitude were left in the Book of Honor with wishes for further professional success and prosperity.