Meeting of the university staff with deputies

Deputy Chairman of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Denmark Espayeva and member of the Committee on Legislation and Judicial Reform of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askar Sadykov met with the staff of the University.
Rector of the University Asset Kaliev acquainted the people’s deputies with the life of the educational institution, the teaching staff, telling in detail about the work carried out in the educational process. Also, on behalf of the team, he thanked the deputies who had specially arrived at the educational institution.
The deputies spoke about the systematic work carried out by the Mazhilis, discussed the positive changes made on the initiative of legislative projects on civil liability of medical workers, on lending and consumer protection of banking services, as well as other topical issues of the social sphere.
At the meeting, the university’s scientists sent a number of questions and expressed their proposals for making changes to the country’s legislation. After the meeting, the deputies visited the museum, the coworking center, the morphological laboratory and the test center of the university where they got acquainted with the current work.