Topical issues of practical sign language

The Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, within the framework of the educational program, held a master class on the topic: «Topical issues of practical sign language», with the participation of R.Suatbaeva, chief freelance sign language specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and L.Toropchina, Ph.D., doctor of the highest category Member of the Russian Society of Sign Language and Audiologists
The purpose of the event is to discuss topical issues of sign language, cooperation of higher education with practical healthcare and improving the quality of training of future doctors.
The issues of hearing loss among adults and children in Kazakhstan are relevant and require an event ranging from training to equipping with the necessary tools, diagnosis of hearing disorders in adults and children, as well as rehabilitation.
- Tonal threshold audiometry with bone-air interval in diseases of the inner ear
- The muscles of the middle ear are normal and pathological.
- A joint analysis of examples of computed tomography of temporal bones.
- Diseases manifested by rough facial features in the practice of a sign language therapist and an otorhinolaryngologist.
The master class was attended by resident doctors, otorhinolaryngologists and sign language specialists from Aktobe, Uralsk, Aktau, Atyrau.
Upon completion of the training, participants are awarded certificates confirming the completion of the master class.