Integrated lesson

Аn integrated lesson for 1st year residents of the specialty “Family Medicine” on the topic “Solving a conflict situation in the workplace” was held at the department of OVP2. The lesson was conducted by associate professor of the Department of GP2 Gauhar Dilmagambetova and head of the Department of Psychology Alua Miraleyeva. The teachers emphasized that conflict resolution is an important part of a doctor’s communicative competence, and the ability to recognize a conflict situation, prevent the occurrence of conflict helps to build a trusting relationship between a doctor and a patient and, in turn, increase patient satisfaction with the quality of medical care.
Effective conflict resolution requires understanding and using communication strategies such as the use of cognitive empathy, DESC protocol, assertive behavior, depreciation techniques, etc. During the open class, residents learned how to apply these strategies during a role-playing game, and evaluated their effectiveness.
In the feedback, the residents said that the knowledge gained would be useful in their daily practice, they liked the form of the lesson, the presentation of the material by the teachers.
The teachers present at the lesson noted that the topic “Solving a conflict situation in the workplace” has a professional orientation, and the teachers demonstrated the unity of theory and practice in solving specific tasks.