Competition of scientific research works

The 1st stage of the Republican competition of student research works was held at the West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov. Based on the results of the evaluation sheets of student research papers submitted to the competition, at a meeting of the University’s problem commission, the average score was calculated and the student research papers that won prizes were determined:
1st place – student research work on the topic “The role of a socially responsible individual in improving the well-being of university students.” Authors: Aisha Aliturlieva, Rakhimzhan Bailauov, Nurai Oralbekova.
Scientific supervisor: PhD, associate professor Malika Knisarina.
2nd place – student research work on the topic “Prevention of wound complications in patients with intestinal stomas and fistulas.”
Author: Shyngyskhan Beketov. Scientific supervisor: doctor of medical sciences, assoc. prof., Murat Dzhakanov.
3rd place – student research work on the topic “The influence of bullying on the psychophysiological health of adolescents in rural areas of the Aktobe region.”
Authors: Kymbat Iniyatova, Akgul Zhetes, Ali Bagytzhanov, Ilyas Mullagaliev. Scientific supervisor: candidate of medical sciences Azhar Zheksenova.
The passage to the second stage for participation in the Republican competition of student research works is announced for awarded student research works that have been awarded prizes.