The agreement on the opening of a training ground for international programs has been signed

A significant event took place in the Akkagaz Doszhanova conference Hall in connection with the opening of a training ground for the programs of the American Heart Association (AKA) and the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) on the basis of the NAO “Marat Ospanov ZKMU”.
In his welcoming speech, Chairman of the Board-Rector of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” A.Kaliev, expressed gratitude to the Director of KAZANADA LLP and the International Training Center in Central Asia, Mr. Kevin Frick, for the opportunity of business cooperation.
For your information. The International Training Center in Central Asia (Astana), under the leadership of Mr. Kevin Frick, is responsible for training in the ANA programs (BLS, ACLS, PALS, NRP); NAEMT and from the International Academy of Dispatching Service in Emergency Situations with the issuance of international certificates.
The ceremony of signing the Cooperation Agreement between the Chairman of the Board-Rector of the University A.Kaliev and the Director of the International Training Center in Central Asia, Mr. Kevin Frick, took place in a solemn atmosphere.
An instuctor training video was shown on the LED screen. Next, master classes on emergency care were held. The instructor and students demonstrated the stages of emergency care according to ACLS (Advanced Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) standards. ACLS “blue code” is one of the codes used in the hospital in order to effectively organize events in case of a threat to the life and safety of patients.
The situations with PALS (advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation in pediatrics), PHTLS (prehospital life support system for injuries) are presented. The joint creation of a training ground with the introduction of training programs and the organization of courses, the development of medical manipulation techniques, training in adequate response in emergency situations based on world experience will make a worthy professional contribution in emergency situations to save human life. The acquired world—class knowledge will significantly affect the improvement of the quality of emergency care and the achievement of the main goal – the return of a person to life, reducing mortality.
The presence of a training ground on the basis of our university will make a worthy contribution to the professional training of students, educational activities and practical healthcare.
Those present were pleased with the wonderful melodies performed by the ensemble of national instruments “Serper” of the university, which did not leave anyone indifferent.
The grand opening of the Training Ground for international level training programs was interesting, impressive and informative.