Deviant behavior

02/16/2024 in the morphological building, associate professor of the department of social and humanitarian disciplines B.A. Moldin and senior lecturer of the Department of Psychology G.S. Zhumaliyeva gave an integrated lecture on the topic “The influence of the environment on the development of deviant behavior and cognitive processes.” The purpose of the lesson is for students to master the concept of “negative deviant behavior”, its manifestations, social and psychological consequences using the example of alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction, corruption and suicide.
The essence of the concept of “deviant behavior” was revealed; students learned to identify types and groups of deviant behavior, as well as the causes and consequences of negative deviant behavior and analyze the psychological aspects of deviant behavior. The integrated lecture contributed to the development of the teachers’ ability to analyze real life situations and choose an adequate model of behavior within the framework of their social roles. Students are familiarized with the results of an anonymous survey to determine the presence of corruption in our university. We were also familiarized with the numerical indicators of negative behavior of students in the dormitories of our university. Internal regulatory documents such as academic policy, policy of academic integrity, internal rules of students, code of honor and conduct of students were presented to students.
The integrated lecture was attended by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Abenova N.A., Head of the Department for Academic Work Alekenova N.U., Member of the Council for Academic Quality Tusupkaliyeva K.Sh., Head of the Department Miraleyeva A.I. and the teaching staff of the Department of Social Sciences, Humanities and Psychology.