Meeting with star graduates

On 02/22/2024, in the hall of the Academic Council of the NJSC Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University, a meeting was held with 3rd year students of the Faculty of General Medicine, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science, technology and education (2001), Academy of Preventive Medicine Medicine of Kazakhstan, Academician of the Academy of Clinical and Fundamental Medicine, President of the Republican Public Association “Professional Association of Successful Pharmacologists and Pharmacists”, member of the Association of Independent Pharmacologists and Therapists Raisa Salmaganbetovna Kuzdenbaeva and Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Imanbaev Sagidulla Yelemesovich.
The rector of the West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov, Professor Aset Askerovich Kaliev, the head of the Department of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Associate Professor Smagulova Gaziza Azhmagievna delivered welcoming remarks. Report on the topic: “Scientific and pedagogical path of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor, doctor of medical sciences. R.S. Kuzdenbaeva” Presented by the teacher of the department, doctoral student 3 years of study Balapasheva Aigerim Aldiyarovna.
The students were impressed by the report, were active, asked questions about the professional path of the invited guests, about how and why they abandoned the profession of a scientist.
On February 23, 2024, invited speakers conducted master classes for teachers, interns and doctoral students at universities on the following topics:
1) “Biotechnological medicines (biosimilars)” Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Imanbaev S.E.
2) “Potentially non-preferable drugs for elderly and senile patients” Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Kuzdenbaeva R.S.
The master class was conducted at a high professional level, attracted the attention of young doctors, and some foreigners asked questions.
The impact on the health of pharmacologists in hospitals in Western Kazakhstan (Aktobe Medical Center, adult and children’s hospital, MC WKMU, Regional Perinatal Center, Medicus Center), teaching staff of the Department of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, teaching staff of the Faculty of Pharmacy thanked the guests for the informative master class and wished them professional success, health and longevity!