“Gastrostomy according to Stamm-Kader”

From February 19 to 23, 2024, Ivan Nikolaevich Fateev, MD, Professor of the Department of Operative Surgery and Clinical Anatomy named after S.S., was invited to the Department of Normal and Topographic Anatomy with Operative Surgery as part of the Visiting Professor program. Mikhailov Orenburg State Medical University (RF, Orenburg).
On February 22, 2024, a master class was held in the operating unit of the department with a demonstration of the operation “Gastrostomy according to Stamm-Kader” by a visiting professor together with residents of the Department of Pediatric Surgery, as well as with the participation of 2-5 year students of the “Aktobe Studentc Surqical Assosiation” Western Kazakhstan Medical University named after. Marat Ospanov. The operation was carried out on experimental material (rabbit). Residents and students of the association actively participated in the preoperative preparation and conduct of the operation.
We believe that this vertical integration has the practical significance of maintaining connections between theoretical and clinical departments. This operation was demonstrative and allowed residents to remember the features of pediatric laparotomy.