A reading contest

А reader’s competition «About a Woman» was held at the Department of Languages, dedicated to International Women’s Day – March 8. The reading competition was held among first-year students of all specialties. The purpose of this competition is to generate interest in the artistic word, develop the skills of expressive reproduction of poems, develop the skills to stand confidently in front of the audience, as well as to show the significant role of women in the family and society. The organizers of the competition are teachers of the Russian language.
According to the terms of the competition, students performed poetic works about women, about their mother, as well as author’s works on the proposed topic by heart. All participants of the competition demonstrated an original approach to the disclosure of the topic, the depth of penetration into the figurative system and semantic structure of the text, the artistry of performance.
A total of 36 students took part in the competition. The best jury members were evaluated and selected: senior lecturer, Master’s degree – Baitakova Manshuk Kuleshovna; senior lecturer, Master’s degree – Moldasheva Lisa Zhumabaevna; lecturer, Master’s degree – Aralbai Aigul Kiyasovna. The performance was evaluated according to the following criteria: knowledge and understanding of the text, expressiveness of speech, artistry, contact with the audience.
The winners were determined in several nominations, the following students were recognized as the best: 1st place – Adil Altynai, 101 Pediatrics, 2nd place – Bagtygalieva Nursaule, 119 M, Birmanov Didar, 134 M, 3rd place – Tolep Nazira, 104 Pediatrics, Yelubaeva Gauhar, 105 M; in the nomination «Best author’s poem»: 1st place – Pirnepesova Oksana, 107 Pediatrics, 2nd place – Akimova Dilnaz, 140 M, 3rd place – Aitzhanova Asylai, 101 M; in the nominations «Performing arts» – Kabdimanap Sultanbek, 106 M, «Audience Award» – Serik Elaman, 137 M, «Diploma for artistry» – Kayraly Gulsezim, 104 Pediatrics .
The winners of the competition were awarded with diplomas. All the contestants were given letters of thanks.