Sports competition

The sports complex “Zhastar Arena” hosted the “Korkem kyzdar” competition dedicated to the International Women’s Day — March 8. 1-2 year old girls and their mothers took part in the competition.
The head of the sports club “Sunkar” Yerlan Shalginbayev made a welcoming speech to the participants of the competition. He congratulated all the women and girls on the 8th of March and thanked the mothers for their active participation in the competition.
The sports competition was held in the form of team relay races in the “Fun Starts” format, in which 6 teams took part. Each team consisted of 2 people: 1 mother and 1 daughter.
The chief judge of the competition, senior lecturer of the Department of Physical Education Rosa Kanapina, familiarized the participants with the relay races and the rules of their conduct. 9 relay races were held with the participants (8 of them sports and 1 competition “Sports Experts”). Students of the taekwondo and ski training sports sections took an active part — they showed excellent musical performances.
As a result of a hard struggle, the champions of the Korkem Kyzdar competition were the team No. 2 Elfira Zhapasheva and Gulsezim Eskairova (2nd year student of the Faculty of General Medicine), the 2nd place was taken by the team No. 4 Barshyn Yesenamanova and Dilnaz Bolatova (2nd year student of the Faculty of General Medicine), the 3rd place was taken by the team No. 3 Mahabbat Tleubaeva and Aitalyn Alizhanova (1st year student of the Faculty of General Medicine).
The winners of the competition were awarded with cash certificates, medals and a diploma. The participants who took the 4th, 5th, 6th place were awarded with incentive prizes and a diploma.