Life values

Within the framework of the project of the Ministry of Education and Science of “Assessment of socio-psychological opportunities for intensive growth of well-being of young people in Western Kazakhstan”, a working trip was held by the head of the Department of Psychology, c.m.s Alua Miraleyeva and PhD, Senior teacher Gulmira Zhumaliyeva to the Yessenov University, Aktau c.
A.Miraleyeva conducted a training for undergraduate students and teachers of the Faculty of Education on the topic “My life values”. The purpose of the training is to form students’ awareness of their life values, fundamental beliefs, principles on which a person relies in their behavior. With the help of game exercises, students formed their own opinion about life values as important components of personality. The students reflected on whether their chosen values bring happiness and self-realization.
Zhumaliyeva G. held a training for students and teachers on the topic ” Religion and morality. Religious values among higher education students”. Objective: the formation of secular consciousness, civic position on issues of countering terrorism and extremism and its prevention, as well as increasing religious literacy among students.