Students and teachers played in a theatrical production

Today, Kazakhstanis widely celebrated the arrival of spring, starting the day with the ancient tradition of “Korisu”. The Department of Languages together with the students dedicated the celebration to this special holiday.
The teachers of the department in beautiful dresses in the national style presented the traditions to the audience. The significance and value of Koris kuni were clearly shown.The event was attended by the dean of the faculty T.Abilov and university staff.
All the festive numbers were combined into a single theatrical performance, where the main roles were played by teachers L.Abdullina in the image of a grandmother, J.Kozhabekov in the image of a hospitable daughter-in-law, L.Moldasheva in the image of a neighbor, as well as students. Over a richly covered dastarkhan, the guests were treated to koumiss, kozhe and other national dishes.
The organizers of the evening were A.Mustopova, J.Kozhabekova, B.Nurseitova, A.Aralbai and teachers of the department. At the end of the event, the guests were presented with gifts.