University ski racing championship

The ski stadium of the Zhastar Arena sports complex hosted the university’s championship in cross-country skiing among students “Ski Track calls”. The competitions were held in the form of separate men’s and women’s relay races. The team consists of 4 people. The teams were formed by drawing lots from students of different courses and with different levels of training. 6 men’s teams and 5 women’s teams took part in the competition, a total of 44 participants.
The acting head of the Department of Physical Education B.Koldasbayeva made a welcoming speech to the participants of the competition, wished everyone successful participation in the competition. The boys covered the distance of 2 kilometers in free running at each stage of the relay, the girls conquered the distance of 1 km.
As a result of a hard struggle in the men’s relay, the victory was won by a team consisting of Nursultan Khamziev, a representative of the 305th group of the Faculty of Dentistry, Nurbakyt Sailybek, 218th group of railway, Sanjar Alimzhan, 237th and Yerasyl Andirov, 138th. The second step of the podium was taken by a team consisting of Dias Savitova, 420 o/m, Dauren Sabenova, 115 stom., Zhandos Iskazieva and Azizhusein Ordukhana, 120 stom.
The third place was won by Ilya Derkach, 319 o/m, Baizak Daniyarov, 237 o/m, Azamat Amitov, 107 ped. and Maksim Danial, 147 o/m. Among the girls, the victory was celebrated by Arailym Ganikyzy, 232 o/m, Jasmine Akhmetova and Aida Medvedeva, 237 o /m, Janelle Shabhat, 120 o /m. The second place was taken by the team consisting of Natalia Kolosova, 421A o/m, Kamilla Omarova, 121 stom., Ayakoz Abdigalieva and Nurai Kalabai, 145 o/m. Violetta Knyazeva, 103 pharm., Dilnaz Iralina, Diana Seitzhan, 237 o/m, Angelina Novik, 145 o/M.
The acting head of the Department of Physical Education B.Koldasbayeva awarded prizes, Diplomas and medals to the winners and prize-winners of the competition.