Barysa university

On the occasion of the 155th anniversary of Aktobe and on the eve of the Nauryz holiday, competitions in kazaksha kures “University of Barysy” among university students were held. The tournament was held in the weight over 65 kg and according to the Olympic system. 50 student-athletes took part in the competition.
At the opening ceremony of the competition, Rector of the University Asset Kaliev made a speech and wished the wrestlers success.
The competition was evaluated by the judges of the Kazakh Kuresi federation. The main judge was Rustem Serikuly, who conducted the draw of the participants.
According to the results of the competition, the III place was taken by the student of the 217th group of the Faculty of General Medicine Zhanarys Kaliyev, the II place was taken by the student of the 312th group of the Faculty of General Medicine Sultan Kylyshbai, the I place was taken by the student of the 726th group of the faculty-intern Damir Kaziyev.
Rector of the university Asset Kaliev congratulated the winners and presented an award-the belt “Kazakh kuresi” and a cash certificate in the amount of 50 thousand tenge for the 1st place, 30 thousand tenge for the 2nd place and 20 thousand tenge for the 3rd place.