Subject olympiad

In connection with the “Science Week” at the West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University, on April 8, 2024, in the 4th lecture hall of the 1st academic building at the Department of Normal Physiology, an intra-university interfaculty subject Olympiad “Physiology – the fundamental basis of medicine” was held in 3 languages. 5 teams were formed by faculties. During the Olympiad, students demonstrated their high level of knowledge, ability to think, ability to make quick decisions and prepared to improve their skills in their future profession. Invited were Vice-Rector for Scientific Work Zhurabekova G.A., head of the Department of Academic Work Alekenova N.U., dean of the Faculty of Medicine Abilov T.S., associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology Nurgalieva Zh.Zh., senior Lecturer of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology master Sarbulatova A. Sh. As part of the jury, the heads of the department Zheksenova A.N., Balmagambetova A.D., specialist of the department of work with youth Zhanibekkyzy Ainur, Kaldybaeva A.T. assessed the progress of the olympiad and made a decision. The Olympiad consisted of 5 stages: team presentation, blitz tournament, association-formative tour, solving situational problems, captain competition. At each stage, team members demonstrated their activity. The Olympiad were very interesting and at a high level. During the game stages, quizzes were held among the spectators and prizes were awarded to active students. At the end of the game, the judges shared their opinions, expressed gratitude to the students, team members and organizers who participated in the quiz, and wished them further success. Results of the Olympiad: 1st place – group “Ped Family”, 2nd place – group “Potential”, 3rd place – group “Nerve nerds” and were awarded diplomas. All participants were awarded certificates. The student organizers were awarded certificates and gifts.