We conducted explanatory work

Under the guidance of Associate Professor M.Zhailybaev, responsible for the course “Topographic anatomy and operative surgery”, in one of the areas of stable development “Good health and well-being”, explanatory work was conducted on the topic “HIV infection and AIDS”. The main purpose of the event was to identify the factors: contributing to the spread of infections and viruses, including synthetic drugs, alcoholism and HIV and AIDS among young people, as well as preventing their impact on the health of the future generation. It was attended by 1st year students of the faculties of Public Health, Dentistry, and Medicine.

The students noted that HIV is one of the viral diseases that pose a serious threat to the immune system and are very dangerous to humans, and stressed the importance of creating a drug-free society – the goal of every resident of Kazakhstan.

During the event, they talked about transmission, prevention, ways to protect against HIV and AIDS, they also talked about the epidemiological situation of HIV infection in the region, explanatory cards were also distributed.

The students asked a lot of questions and received detailed answers and information from the teachers