«Youth and Science»

On April 12 within the framework of the week of science of Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan medical university was held the Republican Olympiad dedicated to the implementation of the development plan of the programme “Rukhani zhangiru” in Aktobe region dedicated to the 155th anniversary of the city of Aktobe and 125th anniversary of K.I.Satpayev.
28 teams took part in the Olympiad. The intellectual contest consisted of 3 parts: at the 1st (first) stage all teams fulfilled test tasks on the history of Aktobe city and region, biography and creativity of K. Satpayev, in the second round all teams fulfilled test tasks on the history of Aktobe city and region, biography and creativity of K. Satpayev, in the second round all teams fulfilled test tasks on the history of Aktobe city and region, biography and creativity of K. Satpayev. In the second round there were tasks on the subjects of “political science”, “sociology”, “culturology”. The finalists were the teams that scored the highest number of points on the results of the two stages and tested their knowledge in the final competition.
In the finals, the tasks on Medeu Sarsekov’s work “Satpayev” and the history of holy and historical places of Aktobe city and Aktobe region will be given. The intellectual Olympiad was judged by the teacher of history and geography «QAZGUU School.Aqt», teacher-expert B.I. Shamshi, the worker of department of psychological and pedagogical improvement of professional development of teachers of Aktobe regional branch of the national centre of professional development “Orleu”, the excellent of culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bukharbaev B.K., and the owner of the order “Kurmet”, actress M.M. Muzbaeva.
According to the results of educational competition of students the first place was taken by students of 1 course of faculty “Paediatrics” of Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan medical university Pernepesova O., Adil Altynai, 1st year students of “Stomatology” faculty Buribay Aruzhan, Sadyev Nursultan took the second place, the honourable third place was shared by the students of specialty “Medicine” of the mentioned institution Rejep Asel, Baydilla Aizat, 1st year students of stomatological faculty Musa Albina, Zakaryaev Mukhtarhan, and students of ASU named after K.Zhubanov, Bazarbaev Z., Karagul T., and the team “Ala, Karagul T., and the team “Alash” of S. Baishev University was among those nominated. Among the teams of college and schools participating in the Olympiad, the best were recognised the students of the school-lyceum named after K.Satbaev A.Bekbosynov, A.Baigar.
On behalf of the Rector of the University, the head of the department of “Social and Humanities” Zh.T. Tolepbergeni presented “Letters of Gratitude” and financial awards to all the winners. The organiser of the event B.A. Moldin said that in the coming academic year in our educational institution will be held the Republican Intellectual Olympiad.