Students about the possibilities of an electronic library

Practical classes on the use of electronic educational resources of the library, electronic catalog, familiarization with the structure of the library’s website and the possibilities of their use were held in the electronic reading room of the scientific and medical library for 5th-year students of the Faculty of General Medicine.
The classes are organized in order to develop self-service skills, search for documents in the electronic catalog and on the library’s website, familiarize yourself with the resources, its structure, and make better use of the library’s fund and resources.
Electronic resources include electronic library systems in the state, Russian and English languages “Epigraph”, “Doctor’s Consultant” and “Student’s Consultant”, “Bookap”, “IPR books” which contain textbooks, textbooks, monographs, practical guides on the studied disciplines, English-language sources “Access medicine”-textbooks, images, audio and video materials on medicine, “CBS Ebooks”, “Jaypee Digital”-textbooks on medicine of the Indian publishing house.