Opening of the best practices center

A significant event took place in a solemn atmosphere — the opening of the Center for Best Practices (hereinafter referred to as CLP) on the basis of the Family Medicine Clinic. The event was attended by Deputy Akim of the region G.Eleuov, President of the National Association “Primare Health Care” T.Rakhypbekov, chief expert of the development of nursing of the DN and CR of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, A.Nauryzbayeva, Chairman of the Board-Rector of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” A.Kaliev, vice-rectors, heads of departments, head of the department of the University A.Trzhanova, the medical community.
Deputy Akim of the region G.Yeleuov and the president of the RNS, T.Rakhypbekov, were given the right to cut the ribbon in the solemn atmosphere of the opening of the Center for Best Practices. The deputy akim of the region G.Eleuov, the president of the RNS T.Rakhypbekov, the rector of the University A.Kaliev addressed the audience with greetings.
The Deputy akim of the region noted that the opening of the Center for Best Practices at the university is of particular importance. It is the university that has been the main forge for the training of highly qualified medical personnel for the Western region for many years, and now, to promote the spread of best practices and innovations in primary healthcare.
A.Kaliev, Rector of the University, thanked the National Association “RNS” for joint cooperation in providing practical and methodological assistance, in terms of training medical workers, including psychologists, social workers, a healthy lifestyle specialist, by promoting new innovative technologies in the practical activities of the Family Medicine Clinic. One of the most important policy directions of the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan is the opening of the Central nervous system — an advanced effective form with medical and social technologies.
At the preparatory stage, the University has done a certain amount of work to improve the design, strengthen the material and technical base, and open additional structures in the Clinic.
A new uniform has been introduced for CLP employees of different professions, made in different colors.
The modern PHC model is focused on the patient, family and society. The organization of Best Practice Centers is based on the world experience in implementing the principles of family medicine, with the provision of comprehensive medical, social and psychological assistance focused on maintaining human health and meeting the needs of the population.
In the Centers of Best Practices, the status of a nurse is crucial – the transition from the former doctor’s assistant to a separate independent nursing practice; roles as part of a multidisciplinary team; preventive programs, fibroids that meet international requirements with expanded functions and personal responsibility.
Thus, the CLP is a school of excellence with new medical and social technologies.
The guests present proposed to open a Scientific and Practical Center of Best Practices on the basis of KSM.
We wish you professional achievements in the protection and promotion of public health!