The conference “Multidisciplinary approach in nursing”

A scientific and practical conference with international participation “Multidisciplinary approach in nursing” has been successfully completed in the Akkagaz Doszhanova Conference Hall, which was attended by representatives of Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania and Finland (online), the National Association “RNS”, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of all medical universities of the country, practical healthcare.
Asset Kaliev, Chairman of the Board of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov”, addressed the guests and participants of the conference with a welcoming speech, who noted that “today the status of a nurse is changing radically – the transition from the former doctor’s assistant to a separate independent practice of nursing that meets international requirements with expanded functions and personal responsibility. The introduction of innovative technologies in nursing, the organization of independent activities of a nurse at the level of primary health care, contributes to improving the accessibility and quality of medical care to the population, realizing the creative potential of a nurse and increasing the importance of specialists with secondary medical education in the healthcare system.”
The new age poses new challenges for nursing professionals. Indeed, today an important role in the organization of primary health care is occupied by specialists with secondary medical education, who are currently given a unique opportunity to independently solve a number of medical and social problems when servicing patients within their competence. WHO considers nursing staff as a real potential to meet the growing needs of the population for affordable medical care. Thematic reports, master classes, and exchange of experience were organized within the framework of the conference.
The participants listened with great interest to the reports of V.Sarkisova, President of the Association of Nurses of Russia LLC “The role of nursing staff in primary care: priority areas of activity of the Association of Medical of Russia”, R.Abzalova, Chairman of the Board of the National Association “RNS” “The leadership and social role of nursing specialists in the multidisciplinary PHC team to improve the quality of medical care in order to improve well-being within the framework of the MIOMOS and UPMP projects”, Z.Baigozhina, Dean of the School of Nursing of the NAO “MUS” “Fundamentals and prerequisites for the introduction of clinical nursing guidelines into the practice of an extended practice nurse”, A.Nauruzbayeva, chief expert of the NAM and CR of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Modern aspects of the development of nursing in Kazakhstan” and a number of other remarkable reports, master classes.
The President of the National Association “RNS”, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor T.Rakhypbekov presented medals to A.Nauryzbayeva (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan), L.Ermukhanova (WKMU named after Marat Ospanov”, for significant contribution to the development of nursing.
The conference was held at a high professional level, interesting and informative with the opportunity to study the effectiveness of the introduction of new technologies. The participants showed great interest and expressed their sincere gratitude to the organizers for providing relevant topics.