Two university teachers became holders of the order of socrates

The solemn awarding of the Order of Socrates to university teachers took place. The high award was presented to the colleagues by the President of the International Academy of Socrates S.Sulima.
Candidate of Historical Sciences, head of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities Zhanar Tolepbergeni and senior lecturer of the Department of Languages Manshuk Baitakova were awarded a high award for their significant contribution to the development of the education system, the introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process, in the implementation of programs “Rukhani Zhangyru”, for services in educational and educational activities, ensuring that students receive deep knowledge knowledge, development and improvement of their creative potential, and also for successful results in the management of research activities of students, high achievements in regional, national, international educational competitions, Olympiads and scientific conferences.
These qualities were taken into account by the jury of the competition held by the International Academy of Socrates on March 31 this year, when awarding the Order of Socrates.
Conducting such competitions and the participation of teachers increases the professional and pedagogical culture of the university teaching staff, the level of educational, methodical and educational work, stimulates the activity of the scientific potential of teaching staff by creating favorable conditions for professional self-realization, motivation for further professional development.
Congratulations to our colleagues on the victory and the new status of the holder of the Order of Socrates!