Spring and labor day

Interns of 640, 641,642,643 groups under the leadership of Associate professor of the Department of Internal Diseases No. 2 of the NAO ZKMU named after M. Ospanov Tokbaeva Kulsin Kulganatovna organized and held an event for the Day of unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan “Spring and Labor Day”.
In our country, this day has been celebrated as a holiday of unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan since 1996. The word “unity” has great importance and deep meaning: if there is unity in a country, it will be strong and indestructible. And our country is a multinational state in which people of various nationalities live and our unity is the foundation of a strong state.
The event was opened with the anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan, then intern 641 of the Sadu Karimzhan group performed the song “Kazakh wasps”. Then the interns told about the history and traditions of various ethnic groups living in our large country: Kazakhs, Russians, Uzbeks, Turks… At the same time, the interns not only talked about the culture of the peoples, but also presented their national dishes, national clothes and folklore.
In conclusion, the united choir of interns performed the song “Bir uidin balasyndai”, after which Kulsin Kulganatovna presented the interns with certificates of commendation in the following nominations: “Best dance and best costume” 642 group, “Best Performers” 641 group, “Best Performance” 640 group, “Best Table” 640 group.