Правильный выбор профессии — залог светлого будущего

Choosing a profession is like laying the right foundation for adulthood. Now school graduates are preparing to take the UNT after the end of the school year. At this stage, every student should be able to choose the right future specialty and educational institution that will provide quality education. Our goal is to give the right direction to graduates who are thinking about choosing a profession, how to choose a good profession and become a useful specialist for our country.
Teachers of the Department of Natural Sciences D.Esmukhanova and A.Zhumasheva visited schools No. 3, No. 20 of our city and conducted career guidance work. In order to familiarize students with our university, a presentation was shown and information about the specialties was given. The graduates received answers to all their questions.
During the meeting, it became known that 9 out of 120 students choose a medical profession. Promotional booklets were distributed to school graduates who chose biology and chemistry.
At the end of the event, the school management thanked the university staff.