The winners of the knowledge contest

The Department of Language Disciplines of the International School of Medicine of KazNMU named after S.Asfendiyarov held an international subject Olympiad in Kazakh, Russian and English languages. More than 130 students from Jordan, India, Mongolia, Turkey, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, as well as the cities of Kazakhstan — Almaty, Astana, Aktobe, Karaganda participated in the Olympiad.
The Olympiad was held in four sections. 1-Kazakh language section for international students. 2-Russian language section for international students. 3-section Russian as a non-native language. 4-English language section.
The Olympiad was held in online and offline format, in two stages. I round of testing, II round of performing lexical and grammatical tasks. Holding the Olympiad in languages in order to increase interest in the study of the Kazakh language as the state language, Russian as an international language, and English as one of the world languages has become a tradition of the department. The Olympiad was also attended by students of our university, who won the following prizes following the results of the Olympiad.
Section No. 1 Kazakh language for foreign students studying in Kazakhstan. III place Shahid Shah, head, senior lecturer Shuga Utargalieva. Section No.3 Russian as a non-native language I place Sultan Iztileuov, head, senior lecturer Manshuk Baitakova. II place Arailym Saparbayeva, head, senior lecturer Gulnara Aldasheva,. III place Amirzhan Baizhanov, head, teacher Larisa Tatanova. III place Zhanserik Seriktesov, head, senior teacher Kalamkas Zhubanazarova. Section No. 4 English I place Didar Birmanov, head, teacher Aigul Aralbai.