They became prize-winners at the international forum

The Tashkent State Dental Institute (TGSI, Uzbekistan) hosted the international forum “Central Asia Dental Forum &Olympiad”, which was actively attended by students of the dental faculty of our university. 80 students from 14 universities competed in the Olympiad.
The students showed their best in both the theoretical and practical part of the Olympiad.
They have won the following prizes and nominations: Therapeutic dentistry Berik Dovletov, Samat Izmukhanov III place, orthodontics Nurdaulet Temirgali III place, orthopedic dentistry Ruslan Khamzin III place, surgical dentistry Shadiyar Shaidullaev III place, scientific report on therapeutic dentistry Sabina Kapanova nomination “The most creative speaker”. The head of the delegation was Diana Taganova.
Also, on behalf of the rector of Tisi Nodirjon Khaidarov, a letter of thanks and a souvenir were presented to Rector Asset Kalieva.