New features in continuing professional education

In the modern world, the main quality of a person is the ability and desire to learn, acquire new skills and competencies. Kazakhstan has adopted the Concept of Lifelong learning, which allows people to continue learning throughout their lives.
Continuing medical education is a system of continuous improvement of professional knowledge and skills of medical professionals throughout their lives. The need for medical professionals to study at the stage of postgraduate additional training can be met through formal and non-formal additional education (PRE). At the same time, UP should be carried out by accredited organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education, national and scientific centers, research institutes, higher medical colleges.
Formal admission to the university is carried out through professional development cycles (PC) and certification courses (SC). Since 2021, primary specialization in clinical specialties has been abolished and certification courses have been introduced.
Professional development is a form of professional development that allows you to maintain, expand, deepen and improve previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as master new (additional) competencies within the main specialty.
The certification course is a form of pre—qualification aimed at expanding, deepening and forming additional professional knowledge, skills and abilities in a narrow specialization within the framework of the main one.
Non—formal education is a type of education without taking into account the place, timing and form of education with the issuance of certificates. In modern conditions, non-formal education is an important part of learning. These are seminars, master classes, webinars, and online courses.
More than 100 PC educational programs have been developed in all clinical specialties for doctors and secondary medical professionals. More than 20 educational programs (OP) of the UK in the specialty of medicine, 11 OP of the UK in the specialty of public health have been implemented. 145 seminars and master classes for practical healthcare in various specialties have been developed within the framework of non-formal education. Various master classes are constantly held for students, doctors and secondary medical workers from all regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
We work closely with regional health departments not only in the Western region (Aktobe, Atyrau, Mangystau, West Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda regions), but also with other regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The calendar and thematic plans of the PC, SC, seminars are posted on the official website of the university. We can provide educational services in all clinical specialties to everyone who wishes.