Results of the industry rating for 2023

Today, the profession of a doctor is in demand, it is no coincidence that more and more applicants apply to medical universities, as evidenced by passing scores and a competition.
The choice of a higher educational institution is always very difficult, since it is necessary to measure your admission opportunities, find out the specialization of the university and the university’s place in the ranking of medical universities in the country.
At the same time, the most important thing is always the quality of training in medical education programs, the availability of educational programs, the level of teaching staff, the history of the university, international cooperation, the demand for graduates, including the possibility of employment abroad, etc. The
quality of education depends on many factors: theoretical knowledge, the introduction of modern methods and medical technologies, patient-oriented education, interest in the chosen profession.
In general, this approach has a significant impact on the level of training and competence of a future specialist.
The rating system in educational activities exists all over the world, as it clearly reflects the level of competitiveness of medical education and is the main indicator for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of measures taken to train highly qualified personnel.
According to the results of the industry rating for 2023, our NJSC “Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University” took the 2nd place of honor among all universities engaged in the training of medical personnel in Kazakhstan!
Summing up the ratings among medical higher educational institutions is a good incentive to improve the quality and further improve educational programs at the Marat Ospanov WKMU.
Congratulations to the teaching staff and students on a worthy victory! We wish you further success!