Our exhibitions at the Aliyah museum

The University Museum took part in the festive event “Night at the Museum-2024”, which was held at the regional memorial Museum of Hero of the Soviet Union A.Moldagulova. Three expositions are presented to the citizens at the traditional event.
In particular, a visiting exhibition of the exposition of veterans of each department and the first rectors of the University Dayyrov, Rastopchin and Andreev, an evacuation hospital in the Aktobe region that existed during the Second World War and Khalida Mamanova, who saved people’s lives during the war, professor, Doctor of medical Sciences, veteran of the Second World War, was organized.
Among the guests of the museum’s evening were university graduates. They remembered their teachers and expressed gratitude. The current generation should know the names of the hero teachers and remember their exploits that they performed during the war.
We are confident that such educational and historical events, held jointly with the regional Memorial Museum of Hero of the Soviet Union A.Moldagulova and the University Museum, will continue in the future.