Pharmacists meeting

On the eve of the Day of Medical Workers, a meeting was held at the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines on the topic “Coverage of topical issues of practical pharmacy in the context of the implementation of standards of good pharmacy practice (GPP)”. It was attended by the chairman of the Association for the development and support of pharmaceutical activities in the Aktobe region O.Yesenov, a veteran of pharmacy Kulpan Duisenovna, pharmacist A.Students, staff of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines and 5th year students.
The head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines, A.Berdgaleeva, introduced the graduate students of the Faculty of Pharmacy, veterans of pharmacy labor and workers of the practical level of pharmacy.
The guests talked about their practical activities in the pharmaceutical industry, shared their experiences and achievements, answered questions from future specialists on the implementation of state policy in the field of drug provision.
Graduates are particularly interested in how pharmacy institutions are accredited to GPP standards today, and the implementation of pharmaceutical activities regardless of their legal status and forms of ownership. The students received answers to all their questions and sincerely thanked the guests.
The meeting was held in a warm and businesslike atmosphere.