In memory of the teacher, the scientist…

A scientific and practical conference “Modern concepts of the development of preventive medicine” was held, dedicated to the memory and 85th anniversary of Tulenda Karimov, Professor, MD, corresponding member of the Medical Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Chairman of the Board, Rector of the University Asset Kaliev, addressed the participants with a welcoming speech, who familiarized the audience with a brief biography of Tulenda Karimovich, an outstanding scientist and hygienist, founder of the Department of Food Hygiene and Hygiene of Children and Adolescents of the University.
T.Karimov graduated from Aktobe State Medical Institute, completed full-time postgraduate studies at the Department of Pharmacology, devoted 46 years of professional work to his native Alma mater, author of 156 works, including 6 monographs, co-author of 3 textbooks, patents, articles on preventive and clinical medicine. Under his leadership, 2 PhD doctors, 12 PhD candidates, 7 masters have been trained.
As the rector of the University Asset Kaliev noted:
“Tulenda Karimovich’s name is well known to residents of the region, as he has repeatedly covered in the media the problem of obesity in children, sedentary lifestyle, the effect on the eyesight of computers and gadgets in children, the problem of nutrition, ecology and many, many other issues of preventive medicine — which remain very relevant in this period.” At the same time, A.Kaliyev noted that no matter what position he was in, T. Karimov always sought to make a certain contribution to the development and improvement of preventive medicine. This is evidenced by his public work as a deputy of the city and regional maslikhats, where he headed the permanent commission on education, health, ecology and science.
During the conference, Professor of the Department of Hygienic Disciplines with Occupational Diseases, MD, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Economics A.Mamyrbayev presented an interesting report: “The development of hygienic science in the works of T.Karimov.” From the documentary, those present were able to get acquainted with the highlights from the life and professional activities of Tulenda Karimovich. At a certain period of his life, T.Karimov headed the University named after S.Baishev, Ph.D. Associate Professor F.Balmagambetova presented a report: “The contribution of Academician T.Karimov to the research activities of gifted youth in the Western region of Kazakhstan.” The reports of the head of the Department for scientific work A.Baspakova, sanitary doctor of LLP “Hygienist-7” A.Oralbayeva were presented to the audience.
At the end of the conference, the exposition “Omir zholy kiska, estelik mangi” (“Life is short, memory is eternal”) was opened at the Museum of the History of Medicine of the University. Asset Kaliyev thanked T.Karimov’s daughter for the exhibits provided, as well as the university staff.
This is a tribute to the memory of Tulenda Karimovich for his contribution to pedagogical, scientific, and social activities.