Оur kvn players are in the semifinals

The1/4quarterfinals of the KVN”Jaidarmantop-2024″ took place in the Palace of Students. The OspanovKuramasyteam, which scored the highestscoreamong12teams, advanced to thesemifinals.

Students of the InternationalFaculty of MedicineShivaniPrajapati,PurvaLoad,HarshaliSalveandDeepakKumarshowedgoodplayandshowedactivity.Congratulations to ourwinners!

It should be especiallynotedthat the KVNteam of ouruniversity”OspanovKuramasy” has been participatinginvariouscompetitionsfor2years. Jaidarman has repeatedlyperformedat the RepublicanGames.

Last year, in the Jaidarman competition, which was held in the capital, the team won a ticket to the Western Nomad League.