I wished you a happy holiday

Acting Rector Nadiyar Musin solemnly congratulated the staff of the press service and the editorial office of the university on their professional holiday.

 —Representatives of the massmediaare the eyes,earsandlanguage of the people. I express my gratitude to youforcarrying out the informationpolicyandpropaganda of ouruniversityandbringing it to the public! We sincerelycongratulateyou on theholiday,wish you creativesuccess and well-being to yourfamilies! Nadiyar Musinsaid.

On the festive day, Nadiyar Maratovich, on behalf of the management of the educational institution and the primary trade union organization, presented Letters of thanks and memorable gifts to the press service, the staff of the Editorial and Publishing Center, the editorial offices of the newspapers “Medik”, the magazines “West Kazakhstan medical journal” and “Gylym aliancy”.

 We sincerely congratulate our colleagues on their professional holiday, wish them creative inspiration and further success!