The documents for the grant are being accepted

The AdmissionsCommittee has startedacceptingdocumentsfrom the participants of the stateeducationalgrantscompetition.Documents are accepteduntilJuly24th. The admissions office is locatedin the mainbuilding of the university. You can applyforspecialtiesnotonlyinmedicalspecialties,butinalleducationalprograms.

Now the procedure for submittingdocuments has becomeeasier.You don’thave to wait for longqueueslikebefore.Everything is digitized.Applicantscanget a queuesitting at homethrough a telegrambotandwait for theirturn.

The admissioncommittee is openfromMondaytoFridayfrom9.00to18.00,onSaturdayfrom9.00to15.00.

Also call 8-701-765-7518, 8-701-765-7521 or you can write on the ospanovzkmu_priem2022 page and get detailed information.