The head of state signed the law “on science and technology policy”

ThisLaw is aimedat the development of scienceand the implementation of technologicalpolicytoincrease the competitiveness of the countryandaddressstrategic,professionalandsocialissuesinscience.

The main innovations:

—TechnologicalReadinessAssessment(TRL): A mechanism has been introduced to assesstechnologicalreadinessfor the implementation of scientificresearchfromideatomassproduction.This will help to close the innovationgapwithglobaltechnologyleaders.

—Expansion of the ScienceFoundation: The Science Foundation has become the NationalAgencyforTechnologyCommercialization,actingas a singlewindowforprogramsin the field of scienceandtechnology,supportinginnovationinfrastructureandattractingventurefinancing.

—NationalCenter for Scientific and TechnicalInformation: A mechanism for monitoringscientificachievementsand the innovationmarket has been introduced.This will provideinformation and analyticalsupport for the scientificprocessandincrease the efficiency of sciencemanagement.

—Stimulation of scientists: The righttopreferentialhousingforyoungscientists has been introduced. The TaxCodeprovides for taxbenefitsanddeductionsin the amount of 50%forexpensesonresearchanddevelopmentwork.

—Sciencemanagement:Localexecutivebodies have receivedpowerstoimplementstatepolicyin the field of science.Thenewstatus of the NationalAcademy of Sciences has been defined,includingcompetenciesandsources of funding.

In addition, the President signed the law “On Public Procurement”, which simplified the procurement procedure for scientific organizations. Now the procurement procedures of research institutes and universities are carried out in accordance with the rules approved by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.