Open day

Today and tomorrow, the Medical Center hosts an Open Day dedicated to the World Lung Cancer Day — August 1.

That is, residents can get free medical advice about lung disease and, if necessary, undergo a CT scan.

— Lung cancer is one of the urgent problems all over the world. It is important to diagnose the diseaseat an earlystage in order to find timely treatment. To do this, it is necessary to undergo a low — dose computed tomography examination, “says Olzhas Orazaev, coordinator of the oncological service of the Medical Center. The risk group of the study includes those who work in the foci of harmful production, patients over 55 years of age and with concomitant lung pathology (chronic inflammatory diseases).

It is also necessary to pay attention to the nonspecific symptoms characteristic of types of oncological diseases. In particular, general weakness, sweating, loss of appetite, weight loss and chest pain, the appearance and intensification of cough and shortness of breath.