They explained the procedure and effectiveness of vaccination

Today, a pressconference was heldat the site of the RegionalCommunicationsServicewith the participation of representatives of the regional Department of Sanitary and EpidemiologicalControland the health department.Among the speakers was Anara Tulyaeva, Associate Professor of the Department of Oncology at the University. The speakerstalkedabout the procedureandeffectiveness of vaccination.
According to the decree of the ChiefStateSanitaryDoctor of the Republic of Kazakhstan,vaccinationagainst human papillomavirus (HPV) beganin the country on September17. Vaccination is carried out for girls from 11 years old to11years old, 11monthsand29daysinclusive.Additionalvaccination is also provided for girlsaged 12 yearsto13years, 11monthsand29daysinclusive.Vaccination is carried out inmedicalclassrooms of schoolswith the writtenconsent of parents,aswell as inmedicalinstitutionsat the request of parents.
The human papillomavirusis the causative agent of cervicalcancer,which is widespreadamongwomen.About1,900newcases of cervicalcancer are registeredinKazakhstanevery year,andmore than 600womendiefromthisdisease. The WorldHealthOrganizationrecommendsvaccinationfor the prevention of cervicalcancer,asit is an effectivemethod of protection.
“InAktoberegion, 103women got cervicalcancerlastyear.They oungestofthemwas 25 years old.Since the beginning of thisyear, 75 Aktobe women have beendiagnosed with cervicalcancer. The onlyway to preventit is vaccination,”saidAnaraTulyaeva, associate professor of the Department of Oncology.
In Kazakhstan, the Gardasil vaccine is used, which protects against four oncogenic types of HPV. This vaccine has been successfully used in 135 countries around the world, and its effectiveness and safety have been proven.