Visiting professor

Within the framework of informaladditionalprofessionaleducationand a memorandumofcooperation, the Department of OtorhinolaryngologyandOphthalmologyconducted a visit by ProfessorL.Toropchina,PhD, Associate Professor of the RussianMedicalAcademy of ContinuingProfessionalEducationfromOctober7to11on the topic”Practicalissues of clinicalAudiology”.

Professor L.Toropchina conducted lectures and seminars for otorhinolaryngologists and residents, and also advised a 1-year doctoral student.

The participants(otorhinolaryngologists, sign language specialists,generalpractitioners,residents,interns)deepened their knowledgein the anatomyandphysiology of the ear,diagnosisandtreatment of hearing loss,aswell as radiationmethods of studying the auditoryorgan.

In addition, L.Toropchina visited the University museum and the anatomical museum of the Department of Normal Anatomy, familiarized with achievements in healthcare and science, as well as anatomical preparations of the university.