
This year, the university’s newspaper Medik celebrated its 55th anniversary, and the Editorial and Publishing Center celebrated its 20th anniversary. In honor of these dates, a festive event called «Dengei» was organized. Also, on the eve of the anniversaries, the grand opening of the new newspaper building and the Editorial and Publishing Center took place, which was attended by the university staff and students.
Chairman of the University’s Board of Directors Tolebai Rakhypbekov and Dean of Postgraduate Education Rosa Nurgaliyeva congratulated the newspaper and Editorial and Publishing Center staff and cut the symbolic ribbon of the new building. The guests were introduced to the work of the center in the new premises.
During the event, the achievements of the center were shown, its history was presented and theatrical performances were held. It is especially worth noting that in 1969, on the initiative of Toregelda Sharmanov, who served as rector of the Aktobe State Medical Institute, the newspaper «Medik» was founded.
During the ceremony, the former editors of the newspaper «Medik» were awarded the author’s medals «Izet», and the older generation shared their memories. The results of the essay contests on the topic «My Newspaper» and «Dedication to the newspaper «Medik» were also summed up during the event, and the winners were awarded prizes.
Celebrating the anniversary, the Medik newspaper and the Editorial and Publishing Center took another new step into the future.