SDG targets and spiritual support

According to the program of the Sustainable Development Goal, on February 2, 2025, the faculty of the Department of Normal Physiology and the head of the SNC “Physiologist” circle, senior lecturer Batyrova T.Zh. organized a charity event with the participation of members of the SNC “Physiologist”.

The purpose of the event is to provide all possible assistance to the population that meets the SDG point “Good health and well-being”. The members of the circle provided all possible assistance, cleared the yard of snow for the office manager of the Department of Normal Physiology Zhanar Azhigalieva, whose husband Azhigaliyev Rafih is a disabled person of group 1. Future doctors held a conversation with Zhanara’s spouse, got acquainted with the medical history, wished her a speedy recovery.

Zhanar, in turn, thanked the students for their help and wished the future doctors to become qualified and educated specialists, wished them good health and a bright future. The students – members of the circle worked with great enthusiasm, and also received a great boost of energy improving their health by working in the fresh air.