Subject Olympiad in Chemistry

We invite everyone: inert and indifferent, emotional and explosive, reactive, active and even radioactive 1st year students of the Faculty of General Medicine to participate in the Subject Olympiad in Chemistry, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University and the 65th anniversary of the Department of Chemical Disciplines.

You are required to have clean hands and robes, a diamond eye, a heart of gold, chemical flair, active participation, quick reaction, iron nerves, radical thinking, intellectual seething!

You are waiting for brainstorming, an explosion of emotions, fireworks of joy, intense release of endorphins of happiness!

In the program of the Olympiad: quizzes, games, entertaining experiments, team competition between streams and in the individual championship.

Prizes await the winners! Don’t miss your chance to be a winner!

Time and place: April 14, 17:00; 1 academic building, lecture hall No. 4