We choose life!

19.05.2022 at the Department of Internal Diseases No. 2 of the ZKMU named after M.Ospanov, within the framework of spiritual and moral education, an event was organized: “We choose life!” dedicated to the fight against drug addiction

To date, drug addiction is one of the most serious problems that has affected all segments of the population around the world. Almost every country in the world there are people who strive to get rid of difficulties and feel euphoria by taking drugs. At the same time, their first use is most often voluntary, quite conscious, but then there comes addiction and then a person already becomes addicted to drugs, their intake becomes a necessity. And the worst thing, in our opinion, is that teenagers and even children most often start using drugs!

There are a large number of narcotic and psychotropic substances in the world: heroin, cocaine, amphetamine, the so-called “club drugs”: barbiturates, ketamine, ecstasy. They can be different in shape: tablet, powder, liquid, dry substance. But regardless of form and type, all narcotic substances have a detrimental effect on the human body, primarily on the brain. And then a drug addict, a teenager, a child becomes a mentally ill person.

The event was organized by resident cardiologists of the 3rd year of study under the guidance of associate professor of the department Tlegenova Zhenisgul Shymbolatovna, with all residents taking an active part. After the main part, future doctors entered into a discussion, trying to find answers to such important questions as: Is drug addiction curable? How to warn the younger generation against this addiction? Are medical workers at risk of drug addiction? Residents answered these questions differently, but everyone agreed that in order to combat this problem, which is taking on alarming proportions, it is necessary for the participation of the whole society and each individual, and first of all, medical workers.