Training conducted by the Department of Pharmacology

On 06/09/2022, the Department of Pharmacology organized a training course for Emergency Hospital staff on the topic “Antimicrobial therapy Control Strategy in the provision of inpatient medical care” dedicated to the Day of the Medical Worker.

The training touched upon an important problem of our time – antibiotic resistance, which worsened during the coronavirus pandemic. Head of the department of Pharmacology, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor G.A.Smagulova emphasized the relevance of rationalization of antimicrobial therapy, PhD, associate professor of the department A.Z.Mussina acquainted doctors with the purpose of the program, told about tools for optimizing the use of antimicrobial drugs in the daily practice of a doctor and the importance of collecting data on local resistance.

Assistants of the department Zh.A.Ergalieva and A.B.Esengubekova presented a scheme of approach to various situations possible in clinical practice from the point of view of combating antimicrobial resistance. At the end of the training, all participants were able to give active feedback and test their knowledge using an interactive method.

Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Work A.A.Turushev thanked the Department of Pharmacology for organizing such a training, noting the desire and willingness of hospital staff to gain new knowledge and share experience.