Distance academic mobility

A virtual academic mobility was successfully completed at the invitation of the capital’s university as part of the implementation of interuniversity cooperation organized by the Department of Chemical Disciplines of the Marat Ospanov ZKMU and the Department of General and Biological Chemistry of the Astana Medical University.It is worth noting that the senior lecturers of the University of ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov Abilova Zh.M., Galymzhanova G.T. and senior teachers of the MUA Idrisova AA, Kuzhatova P. exchanged study groups and conducted practical and laboratory classes in the discipline “Biological Chemistry” for the 2nd year students of the faculty “Zhalpy Medicine” in a distance format.

In accordance with the calendar-thematic plan of universities, each teacher conducted classroom lessons in the amount of 36 hours.

Joint benchmarking of departments (exchange of educational and methodological documentation, didactic materials, the best video materials) mutually enriched the departments and, undoubtedly, gave impetus for further improvement and cooperation.