Educational program passport – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Educational program passport

Purpose of the modular educational program

Training of specialists whose activities are aimed at preventing diseases, prolonging life and protecting health, ensuring the state of optimal life of the population through the jointly organized efforts of the state and society using modern technologies with proven effectiveness.

Awarded degree/qualification

Bachelor’s of Health care

Program developers

Yermukhanova L.S, Lyakhov S.S.

Put into action


List of specialist positions

Public health specialist, preventive medicine specialist, auditor, expert, patient support specialist, medical statistician

Area of professional activity

public health

Functions and types of professional activity

The objects of professional activity of undergraduate graduates are:

–       health authorities;

–       medical organizations, centers for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, social security organizations;

Types of professional activity:

–       administrative and managerial (specialists of healthcare management bodies and administrative and managerial personnel of healthcare organizations);

–       analytical (employees of information and analytical centers);

–       expert advisory (experts, consultants in healthcare and social security organizations).

–       promotion of a healthy lifestyle (specialists in health promotion and disease prevention).