Educational program passport – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Educational program passport

Purpose of the modular educational program

To prepare competent, qualified specialists with professional and communication skills that contribute to their successful work as a pharmacist.

Degree/qualification awarded

Bachelor of Health care

Program developers

Saginbazarova A.B.

Put into action


List of specialist positions


Area of professional activity

Pharmaceutical, organizational and management,

production and technological activities

Functions and types of professional activities

Functions – organization of activities to ensure the quality, safety and effectiveness of drugs.

Carry out activities for the sale of medicines and medical products to wholesale and retail consumers. Organization of production activities of pharmaceutical organizations for the manufacture and production of medicines. Realize

quality control of medicines in pharmaceutical enterprises and pharmacies.

Types of professional activities: organizational and managerial; control and permitting; informational and analytical.